Hydrogen Ontology

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Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
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This document describes the Hydrogen Ontology (HOLY), a domain ontology for the hydrogen market, which aims to provide conceptual information of the current status and potential developments in the hydrogen market. Its target audience includes industrial, governmental, and research institutions that require continuous monitoring of market developments to evaluate and adjust their strategies. In its current version, which focuses on Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs), it is designed to classify information concerning the composition of PEMFCs, their use, manufacturers, geographic areas, indicators, and projects. Conceptualizing market requirements is done by providing extensions to other areas of interests such as the organization domain, geo-location, indicators, project schemas, and applications.

The ontology is intended to structure market-relevant domain information for the hydrogen market in an accessible format and provide a generic, reusable core for expansion in different areas along the hydrogen value chain or even the use of certain content patterns for other market domain ontologies.

Following the Linked Open Terms Framework, HOLY was created by integrating technical domain knowledge with established business models. According to this approach, the ontology's requirements are identified in the specification stage. In the conceptualization stage, the problem and its solution are explained through a conceputal model. Existing ontologies are identified in the integration stage and are then integrated into the ontological structure. The final stage, implementation, implements the ontology in RDF or another ontology language and evaluates errors in syntax and lexicon.

Additional information regarding the HOLY project can be found on the HOLY website. If you would like to contribute to HOLY, please contact the Future Engineering Group.

Entity Naming Convention

For the labeling of entities belonging to the namespace HOLY, the following naming conventions from Open Biologican and Biomedical Ontology Foundry (OBO) [1, 2] were used:

In addition to the above-mentioned naming conventions, skos:altLabel was used to provide synonyms for entities and all words in primary labels were capitalized.


The namespace for the Hydrogen Ontology is http://purl.org/holy/ns# and the preferred prefix is holy. The Hydrogen Ontology uses terms from other vocabularies. The set of namespaces from those other vocabularies is displayed in the table below.

Prefix Reference Namespace
owlWeb Ontology Languagehttp://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#
rdfThe RDF Concepts Vocabulary (RDF)http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#
rdfsResource Description Framework Schemahttp://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#
xsdXSML Schemahttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#
ccCreative Commons Rights Expression Languagehttps://creativecommons.org/ns#
vannA vocabulary for annotating vocabulary descriptionshttp://purl.org/vocab/vann/
biboThe Bibliographic Ontologyhttp://purl.org/ontology/bibo/
skosSimple Knowledge Organization Systemhttp://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#
foafFriend of a Friendhttp://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/
dcDCMI Metadata Termshttp://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/
dctDCMI Metadata Termshttp://purl.org/dc/terms/
dboDBpedia Ontologyhttp://dbpedia.org/ontology/
dbcDBpedia Ontologyhttp://dbpedia.org/page/Category:
dbrDBpedia Ontologyhttp://dbpedia.org/resource/
orgThe Organization Ontologyhttp://www.w3.org/ns/org#
ebgThe euBusinessGraph Ontologyhttp://data.businessgraph.io/ontology#
rovRegistered Organization Vocabularyhttp://www.w3.org/ns/regorg#
modMOD: Metadata for Ontology Description and publicationhttps://w3id.org/mod#
holyHydrogen Ontologyhttp://purl.org/holy/ns#
wnWordNet RDF Ontologyhttps://wordnet-rdf.princeton.edu/ontology#

Namespaces Description

This section provides acknowledgement to the frameworks used for providing extensions to HOLY. A brief description of each namespace is provided followed by its implementation in the Hydrogen Ontology.

RDFS: The Research Description Framework Schema is an extension of RDF and allows the definition of hierarchical structures common in knowledge graphs such as classes, subclasses, ranges between classes, properties, sub-properties and domains within a graph modeled with RDF. In the ontology, RDFS is used for defining class names and the class structure.

SKOS: Simple Knowledge Organization System is a data model for sharing and connecting different organization systems with each other. An organization system can be one or multiple taxonomies, classification schemes or thesauri. The Hydrogen Ontology uses SKOS in annotation properties to define and comment content and annotate keywords and examples.

The Organization Ontology (org): The Organization Ontology provides a logical structure for linked company information across numerous domains including certain identification of roles and memberships. The Organization Ontology is used in the Hydrogen Ontology for building relationships between classes in order to identify the geographical location of primary sites, sites and membership relations in terms of project cooperation.

The Registered Organization Vocabulary (rov): The Registered Organization Vocabulary is classified by the Ontology Engineering Group as an extension of the Organization Ontology. The extension concerns the use of international classification standards such as NACE, SIC07 and ISIC4 for expressing economic activities and is used in the organization class of the Hydrogen Ontology.

The euBusinessGraph (ebg): The euBusinessGraph expands the area of economic activity integrating categorizing for start-ups while simultaneously covering explicit data for company registration. It is an extension of the Registered Organization Vocabulary and is used in the organization class of HOLY.

Schema.org: Schema.org provides schemas for structured data coming from the internet. The schemas on Schema.org range from a variety of different subjects including organizations, products, projects and places. The Hydrogen Ontology specifically embeds schema:Project and schema:ResearchProject in its project class.

Metadata4Ing: The Metadata4Ing Ontology (m4i) classifies science-related project activities within the area of engineering and neighboring sciences. It was released in February of 2022 and was created by a working group of the NFDI Consortium. It serves as an extension to the schema:Project class. In the Hydrogen Ontology, object properties of Metadata4Ing are used to illustrate relationships between projects and organizations.

DBpedia: DBpedia is a large, open-source cross-domain ontology inhabiting over 4.000.000 instances in its structure whose environment can be accessed with SPARQL queries. The Hydrogen Ontology inhabits DBpedia instances to enrich its structure.

Dublin Core: Dublin Core is a vocabulary of standard classes and properties for describing resources that facilitate the discovery of electronic resources akin to a library card catalogue.

Description and Commentary

The six core classes of the Hydrogen Ontology HOLY are org:Organization, schema:Project, holy:Product, holy:Application, holy:Indicator and holy:GeographicMarket. This structure is inspired by the Porters 5 Forces framework and market segmentation approaches to ensure a relevant, market-oriented structure. In addition, a top-down approach within the necessary classes is applied to provide a hierarchy which allows clustering from general to specialized.

The internal structure of the classes org:Organization and schema:Project are hereby completely built from extended structures of existing ontologies from The Organization Ontology, the Registered Organization Vocabulary, the euBusinessGraph, Schema.org, the Metadata4Ing Ontology and the DBpedia Ontology.

The classes holy:Product, holy:Application, holy:Indicator and holy:GeographicMarket contain taxonomies concerning composition of products, use cases, types of projects, economic indicators for markets and companies, and location differentiation. These taxonomies were specifically created for the Hydrogen Ontology.

HOLY was designed to be compatible with Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods. Through the properties skos:example, skos:altLabel, and skos:definition, which describe each class, it includes a semantic component in its structure.

The Organization Layer

Organizations must be classified since they act as direct or indirect participants within an economic environment. Hereby, organizations can take different roles from being an active manufacturer or service provider to being an indirect player focusing more on governmental or administrative activities within a market.

The Organization layer of HOLY uses The Organization Ontology as its foundation since it provides an established and neutral classification scheme for classifying organizations in their different fields of economic activity. The selected classes supporting this structure are hereby org:Organization and org:FormalOrganization.

To provide an in-depth classification using classifiers such as NACE, ISIC or SIC, the extending object properties from The Registered Organization Vocabulary have been implemented. To expand the classification of businesses even more, data properties of the euBusinessGraph were used.

Taxonomy of org:Organization in HOLY

Taxonomy of org:Organization in HOLY

Properties related to Organization

org:Organization has object properties connecting it to the main classes holy:Product, holy:Application, schema:Project, holy:GeographicMarket, and holy:Indicator. The object properties linking holy:GeographicMarket and org:Organization reveal the location of a company’s economic activity or that of one of its subsidiaries. Properties relating to holy:Product and holy:Application identify manufacturers of products or application providers. Object properties to schema:Project discloses partnerships in previous, current or future projects. The relationship to the class holy:Indicator links performance indicators.

org:Organization axiomatised in HOLY

Properties going from org:Organization to org:Organization illustrate intercompany relationships such as being a subsidiary or being linked to a company through other business relations.

The Project Layer

Projects often indicate in which stage of application a certain technology is. To classify information concerning projects, the class schema:Project from the Schema.org framework was implemented. The underlying taxonomy divides schema:Project into the state and the purpose of a project.

Taxonomy of schema:Project in HOLY

Taxonomy of schema:Project in HOLY

Properties related to Project

schema:Project has relationships to the classes org:Organization, holy:Application, holy:Indicator, holy:Product, and holy:GeographicMarket.

Object properties relate to the outcome of a project, allowing classification by either being related to a product (holy:relatesToProduct) or an application (holy:relatesToApplication). Object properties from the Megadata4Ing ontology connect organizations with projects (m4i:inProject/m4i:projectParticipant). The object property holy:hasIndicator to the class holy:Indicator takes criteria such as funding into account. The object property connecting to holy:GeographicMarket defines the location of a certain project.

schema:Project axiomatised in HOLY

The Product Layer

For representing the hydrogen market, products and technologies play an essential role. The terms ‘product’ and ‘technology 'are treated as substitute terms in this ontology based on their interchangeable use in different information sources (such as journal articles, press releases, company sites, and reports). Regarding the current focus on PEMFCs, products other than PEMFCs currently have no further component classes describing their composition.

The schema for holy:Product is organized in six different layers. The first subclass layer includes a separation between hydrogen products and substitute products as well as their respective components. For hydrogen products, products are separated in different value chain positions and product types.

Taxonomy of holy:Product in HOLY

Taxonomy of holy:Product in HOLY

Properties related to Product

holy:Product relates to the classes org:Organization, schema:Project, holy:Indicator, holy:Application, and holy:GeographicMarket. The object property holy:isUsedIn to the class Application and its schema identifies use cases. The object property holy:producesProduct shows the producer of a product or technology. The object property holy:relatesToProduct creates a connection to show the participation of a product or technology in a certain project. holy:hasProduct and holy:hasIndicator connect the Product class with the main classes holy:Indicator and holy:GeographicMarket.

holy:Product axiomatised in HOLY

The Application Layer

It is intended to know the use case for certain products and technologies. Therefore, the class structure of holy:Application aims to provide a comprehensive list of possible applications.

holy:Application’s taxonomy is similar to holy:Product. Its first layer differentiates between mobile and stationary application types. Following a top-down approach, classes lower down in the taxonomy for holy:Application deliver more detailed classes concerning different types of mobile and stationary applications.

Based on the PEMFC focus, the subclass structure for mobile applications is currently more advanced than the structure below holy:StationaryApplication.

Taxonomy of holy:Application in HOLY

Taxonomy of holy:Application in HOLY

Properties related to Application

holy:Application relates to the classes org:Organization, schema:Project, holy:Indicator, holy:Product, and holy:GeographicMarket. The object properties holy:usesTechnology and holy:usesProduct identify if an application is using a technology or a product. A connection to schema:Project via holy:relatesToApplication connects applications to ventures. The object property holy:applicationSoldIn to holy:GeographicMarket serves as an addition to holy:hasApplication since some components or technologies might be not available for sale in certain markets.

holy:Application axiomatised in HOLY

The Indicator Layer

To provide a structure covering competitiveness and development, the consideration of indicators concerning market size, investment, and social development is needed.

The taxonomy for holy:Indicator includes classes for investment, employee size, market share, market size and revenue, entry barriers, patent, and trend.

Taxonomy of holy:Indicator in HOLY

Taxonomy of holy:Indicator in HOLY

Properties related to Indicator

holy:Indicator has relationships to the classes schema:Project, org:Organization, holy:Product, holy:Application, and holy:GeographicMarket. The incoming object property is holy:hasIndicator.

holy:Indicator axiomatised in HOLY

The Geographic Market Layer

To store geographic data, the addition of the class ‘GeographicMarket’ allows geographic segmentation of the main classes and its underlying structure. To do so, holy:GeographicMarket is mapped with the DBpedia ontology to allow a precise classification.

The taxonomy of holy:GeographicMarket consists of two subclasses from Schema.org (schema:continent and schema:country).

Taxonomy of holy:GeographicMarket in HOLY

Taxonomy of holy:GeographicMarket in HOLY

Properties related to Geographic Market

holy:GeographicMarket relates to the classes schema:Project, holy:Indicator, holy:Application, holy:Product and org:Organization to allow geographic mapping of the instances of other classes. holy:GeographicMarket also has an object property linking its two subclasses. The object property dbo:continent allows mapping with DBpedia to query missing geographic information from the DBpedia ontology.

holy:GeographicMarket axiomatised in HOLY

Annotation Properties

Annotation properties from RDFS and SKOS have been used to describe semantic information in the Hydrogen Ontology. The annotation properties integrated in HOLY's classes, together with a description and example from the class holy:Truck, are as follows:

Annotation properties explained through the example of holy:Truck

The references are identical to information from the documentation of RDFS and SKOS.

Ontology Reference

Index of Classes and Properties


Organization | FormalOrganization | RegisteredOrganization | EnergySectorOrganization | InternationalOrganization | ManufacturingOrganization | PublicAdministrationandDefenseOrganization | ResearchOrganization | TransportationAndStorageOrganization

Product | HydrogenProduct | HydrogenConversion | HydrogenReconversion | AlkalineFuelCell | AnionExchangeMembraneFuelCell | PhosphoricAcidFuelCell | PolymerElectrolyteMembraneFuelCell | SolidOxideFuelCell | HydrogenStorage | HydrogenTransport | HydrogenProductComponent | HydrogenConversionComponent | HydrogenFuelCellComponent | AirCompressor | FuelCellStack | MembraneElectrodeAssembly | CatalystLayer | GasDiffusionLayer | Membrane | SupportiveHardware | BipolarPlate | Gasket | FuelProcessor | Humidifier | PowerConditioner | HydrogenStorageComponent | HydrogenTransportComponent | SubstituteProduct | Battery | AlkalineBattery | LithiumBattery | NickelCadmiumBattery | NickelMetalHydrideBattery | SolidStateBattery | FossilFuel | SubstituteFuelCell | AmmoniaFuelCell | EthanolFuelCell | MethanolFuelCell | MoltenCarbonateFuelCell | SubstituteProductComponent | BatteryComponent | FossilFuelComponent | SubstituteFuelCellComponent

Project | PurposeBasedProject | CircularEconomyProject | InfrastructureProject | ProductDevelopmentProject | ResearchProject | StateBasedProject | FinishedProject | OngoingProject | PlannedProject

Application | MobileApplication | AviaticApplication | Aircraft | Spacecraft | MarineApplication | CargoShip | CruiseShip | Ferry | Submarine | RoadApplication | Bike | Bus | Car | MaterialHandlingVehicle | Train | CargoTrain | PassengerTrain | Truck | LongHaulTruck | PickupTruck | RegionalTruck | StationaryApplication | Heating | IndustrialHeating | ResidentialHeating | IndustrialProcessing | ChemicalIndustrialProcessing | RefineryIndustrialProcessing | SteelIndustrialProcessing | PowerGeneration

GeographicMarket | Continent | Country

Indicator | EntryBarrier | Investment | MarketShare | MarketSize | Patent | Revenue | Trend | WorkForce


continent | country | HasPart | IsPartOf | applicationSoldIn | hasApplication | hasIndicator | hasOrganization | hasProduct | hasProject | isProducedBy | isProvidedBy | isUsedIn | participatesIn | producesProduct | productSoldIn | providesApplication | relatesToApplication | relatesToProduct | usesProduct | usesSource | usesTechnology | associatedtoproject | projectparticipant | classification | primarySite | hassite | hasSubOrganization | linkedto | siteof | sub-Organizationof | companyactivity | companystatus | companytype

ispubliclytraded | isstartup | isstateowned | projectenddate | projectKeyword | projectstartdate | endOfProject | startOfProject

Organization Classes


IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/org#Organization

Represents a collection of people organized together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it and can act as an agent. Organizations are often decomposable into hierarchical structures.

Formal Organization

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/org#FormalOrganization

An organization which is recognized in the world at large, in particular in legal jurisdictions, with associated rights and responsibilities. Examples include a corporation, charity, government or church.

Sub Class Of org:Organization c

Registered Organization

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/regorg#RegisteredOrganization
  • Inspired by the usage of the Registered Organization Vocabulary in the euBusinessGraph Ontology including links to The Organization Ontology.

  • A registered company or other group of people that work together in a certain economic field with the purpose to compete in a certain market. The economic field of activity is defined by statistical standardization numbers such as primarily EC NACE 2, ISIC and SIC.

Sub Class Of org:FormalOrganization c

Energy Sector Organization

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#EnergySectorOrganization

An organization who participates in the activity of providing electric power, natural gas, steam, hot water and the like through a permanent infrastructure (network) of lines, mains and pipes. The dimension of the network is not decisive; also included is the distribution of electricity, gas, steam, hot water and the like in industrial parks or residential buildings according to Section D of EC NACE Rev. 2.

Sub Class Of rov:RegisteredOrganization c

International Organization

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#InternationalOrganization

An organization classified in activities of international organisations such as the United Nations and the specialised agencies of the United Nations system, regional bodies etc., the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Customs Organisation, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the European Communities, the European Free Trade Association etc. according to Section U of EC NACE Rev. 2.

This class also includes: - activities of diplomatic and consular missions when being determined by the country of their location rather than by the country they represent

  • IMF
  • IPCC
  • United Nations
Sub Class Of rov:RegisteredOrganization c

Manufacturing Organization

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#ManufacturingOrganization

An organization classified in the field of manufacturing according to EC NACE 2 (2008) in Section C Division 10-33.

  • Arboc
  • Arboc Speciality Vehicles
  • Hyzon Motors Inc.
  • MCI
  • Motor Coach Industries
  • Plaxton
  • Plug Power Inc.
  • Rivian Automotive Inc.
  • Subaru Corp.
  • Toyota Motor Corp.
Sub Class Of rov:RegisteredOrganization c

Public Administration and Defense Organization

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#PublicAdministrationAndDefenseOrganization

An organization classified in the field of public administration and defense according to EC NACE 2 (2008) in Section O Division 84.

  • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Sub Class Of rov:RegisteredOrganization c

Research Organization

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#ResearchOrganization

An organization classified in the field of scientific and technical activities according to EC NACE 2 (2008) in Section M Division 69-75.

  • MARii
  • Malaysia Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute
  • PNNL
  • Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • The European Interoperability Centre for Electric Vehicles and Smart Grids
Sub Class Of rov:RegisteredOrganization c

Transportation And Storage Organization

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#TransportationAndStorageOrganization

An organization classified in the field of transportation and storage according to EC NACE 2 (2008) in Section H Division 49-53.

TC Energy
Sub Class Of rov:RegisteredOrganization c

Product Classes


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Product
  • The connection to "Application" would refer to "realized usage". A product has a creator. However, since technology and product are difficult to distinguish, technology and product will be seen as one class. Since organizations can also buy component parts, the product class has sub-classes containing components for fuel cells.

  • An article that is manufactured or refined for sale. A distinction will be made between the different value chain positions of a product which can be sold and/or bought.

Hydrogen Product

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#HydrogenProduct
  • Concerning the scope of focusing on fuel cells and more precisely on PEMFCs, the sub-class reconversion will be the most focused class. Transportation, Storage and Conversion subclasses would receive greater attention when shifting the ontology to other areas of the hydrogen value chain.

  • A product that is manufactured or refined for sale which can be used to produce, transport, store or "burn"/reconvert hydrogen.

Sub Class Of holy:Product c

Hydrogen Conversion

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#HydrogenConversion
  • The subclass "Conversion" can be expanded to focus the domain scope to the creation of hydrogen with respect to the value chain.

  • The processing of materials into hydrogen.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenProduct c

Hydrogen Reconversion

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#HydrogenReconversion
  • Since reconversion solely happenes for energy creation using fuel cells, "Reconversion" is contributed to fuel cell systems.

  • The knowledge which deals with converting hydrogen to other elements. In case of hydrogen fuel cells, hydrogen is reconverted to H2O.

GR Yaris engine
Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenProduct c

Alkaline Fuel Cell

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#AlkalineFuelCell

A fuel cell which uses potassium hydroxide in water as the electrolyte for powering, using a variety of non-precious metals as a catalyst at the anode and cathode.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenReconversion c

Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#AnionExchangeMembraneFuelCell

A PEMFC-like fuel cell technology which needs less precious metals as catalysts in order to trigger chemical reaction.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenReconversion c

Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#PhosphoricAcidFuelCell

A fuel cell which uses phosporic acid as an electrolyte. It can be powered by hydrogen, natural gas, or biogas.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenReconversion c

Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#PolymerElectrolyteMembraneFuelCell

A fuel cell which uses a solid polymer as an electrolyte and porous carbon electrodes containing a platinum or platinum alloy catalyst. It only needs hydrogen, oxygen from the air, and water to operate.

  • FCmoveTM
  • FCwaveTM
Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenReconversion c

Solid Oxide Fuel Cell

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#SolidOxideFuelCell
  • Caution, SOFCs must not be mixed up with SOEC's (Solid Oxide Electrolyser). SOFCs are fuel cells using hydrogen as a fuel to generate energy. SOEC's are used for hydrogen generation using the reversed process of an SOFC. For this ontology an SOEC would be a part of the conversion class. However, since conversion is out of scope, SOEC are not mentioned in a class structure under the subclass "Conversion".

  • A fuel cell which uses a hard, non-porous ceramic compound as the electrolyte. It can reach temperatures up to 1000°C (1830°F). It can be powered by natural gas, coal gas, biogas or hydrogen.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenReconversion c

Hydrogen Storage

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#HydrogenStorage
  • The subclass "Storage" could be expanded to focus the domain scope to the creation of hydrogen with respect to the value chain. Future expansions could categorize between storage technologies within tanks or using absorbing materials.

  • The way that hydrogen can be stored for later usage.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenProduct c

Hydrogen Transport

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#HydrogenTransport
  • The subclass "Transport" could be expanded to focus the domain scope to the creation of hydrogen in respect to the value chain.

  • The way that hydrogen can be transported from one place to another.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenProduct c

Hydrogen Product Component

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#HydrogenProductComponent

A part that, combined with other parts, makes up a hydrogen product.

Sub Class Of holy:Product c

Hydrogen Conversion Component

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#HydrogenConversionComponent
  • The subclass "Hydrogen Conversion Component" could be expanded to focus the domain scope to the transport of hydrogen with respect to the value chain.

  • A basic component for products which convert compounds to hydrogen.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenProductComponent c

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Component

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#HydrogenFuelCellComponent
  • Fuel Cell Component is directly alligned with sub-classes of 'Reconversion'.

  • A basic component of hydrogen fuel cell systems.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenProductComponent c

Air Compressor

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#AirCompressor

A pressure regulating system for enhancing fuel cell improvement by increasing pressure of reactant gases.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenFuelCellComponent c

Fuel Cell Stack

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#FuelCellStack

The heart of a fuel cell responsible for energy generation.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenFuelCellComponent c

Membrane Electrode Assembly

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#MembraneElectrodeAssembly

The heart of the fuel cell and the place where the chemical reaction takes place. It consists of membrane, catalyst layers, and gas diffusion layers.

Sub Class Of holy:FuelCellStack c

Catalyst Layer

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#CatalystLayer

A layer of anodes and cathodes which are placed on opposite sites of the membrane. It is a three-dimensional porous structrure composed of catalyst particles and ionomer fragments.

Sub Class Of holy:MembraneElectrodeAssembly c

Gas Diffusion Layer

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#GasDiffusionLayer

A paper-like layer placed outside the catalyst layer which is responsible for transporting reactants into the catalyst layer by removing chemical reaction outcomes. In most cases, the Gas Diffusion Layer consists of a bilayer structure consisting of a macroporous diffusion medium and microporous layer.

Sub Class Of holy:MembraneElectrodeAssembly c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Membrane

A very thin membrane which conducts solely positively-charged ions and is able to block electrons. It serves as the electrolyte.

Sub Class Of holy:MembraneElectrodeAssembly c

Supportive Hardware

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#SupportiveHardware

A component such as equipment, material, or metal which enables efficient energy generation.

Sub Class Of holy:FuelCellStack c

Bipolar Plate

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#BipolarPlate

A plate which provides electrical conduction between cells. Bipolar plates are used to separate cells within a fuel cell from each other and aim to provide physical strength to the stack of cells.

Sub Class Of holy:SupportiveHardware c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Gasket

A part used for gas-tight sealing of the edges of the Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA).

Sub Class Of holy:SupportiveHardware c

Fuel Processor

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#FuelProcessor

A converter which is necessary to convert fuel into a fuel cell-usable form.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenFuelCellComponent c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Humidifier

An item which regulates a certain level of humidity within a fuel cell.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenFuelCellComponent c

Power Conditioner

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#PowerConditioner

An electrical current regulator needed for managing power.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenFuelCellComponent c

Hydrogen Storage Component

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#HydrogenStorageComponent
  • The subclass "Hydrogen Storage Component" could be expanded to focus the domain scope to the creation of hydrogen with respect to the value chain.

  • A basic component of products capable of storing hydrogen.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenProductComponent c

Hydrogen Transport Component

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#HydrogenTransportComponent
  • The subclass "Hydrogen Transport Component" could be expanded to focus the domain scope to the transport of hydrogen with respect to the value chain.

  • A basic component of products designed for transporting hydrogen.

Sub Class Of holy:HydrogenProductComponent c

Substitute Product

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#SubstituteProduct
  • For the domain scope, Substitute Product currently only defines products which are substitutes for hydrogen fuel cells.

  • The subclass "Substitute Product" could be expanded to focus the domain scope.

  • A product that is manufactured or refined for sale which is using other resources than hydrogen to fulfill its purpose.

Sub Class Of holy:Product c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Battery

A collection of one or more cells which store electrical energy for powering electrical devices.

Sub Class Of holy:SubstituteProduct c

Alkaline Battery

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#AlkalineBattery

A battery which uses a chemical substance composed of zinc (Zn) and manganese dioxide (MnO2). The separator in alkaline batteries is made totally or at least partially of nonwoven materials.

Sub Class Of holy:Battery c

Lithium Battery

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#LithiumBattery

A battery which uses lithium ions as a key component of its electrochemistry using liquid electrolyte solutions. It consists of two current collectors, a negative and positive electrode, and a separator containing electrolytes. The primary lithium battery uses carbon fluoride, (CF)n, as a cathode and lithium metal as an anode. The negative electrode consists of either metallic lithium or lithium compounds.

Tesla Powerwall
Sub Class Of holy:Battery c

Nickel Cadmium Battery

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#NickelCadmiumBattery

A battery which uses nickel oxide hydroxide for the cathode, metallic cadmium as its anode, and an aqueous alkali solution as its electrolyte.

Sub Class Of holy:Battery c

Nickel Metal Hydride Battery

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#NickelMetalHydrideBattery

A battery which uses nickel oxide for the cathode. The negative active material is hydrogen in form of a metal hydride. The electrolyte is aqueous potassium hydroxide with lithium hydroxide additive to improve the charging efficiency of the positive electrode by reducing oxygen evolution.

Sub Class Of holy:Battery c

Solid State Battery

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#SolidStateBattery

A battery which uses solid lithium as an electrolyte, not liquid.

Sub Class Of holy:Battery c

Fossil Fuel

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#FossilFuel
  • The subclass "FossilFuel" could be expanded to focus the domain scope to the creation of hydrogen concerning the value chain.

  • A conventional energy production method using fossil fuels as fuel.

Sub Class Of holy:SubstituteProduct c

Substitute Fuel Cell

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#SubstituteFuelCell
  • The subclass "SubstituteFuelCell" could be expanded to focus the domain scope to the creation of hydrogen concerning the value chain.

  • A fuel cell which uses different resources as its anode gas than hydrogen.

Sub Class Of holy:SubstituteProduct c

Ammonia Fuel Cell

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#AmmoniaFuelCell

A fuel cell using ammonia as its fuel.

Sub Class Of holy:SubstituteFuelCell c

Ethanol Fuel Cell

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#EthanolFuelCell

A fuel cell using ethanol as its fuel.

Sub Class Of holy:SubstituteFuelCell c

Methanol Fuel Cell

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#MethanolFuelCell

A fuel cell which is powered by pure methanol. It is usually mixed with water and fed directly to the fuel cell anode.

  • EFYO 150
  • EFYO 80
Sub Class Of holy:SubstituteFuelCell c

Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#MoltenCarbonateFuelCell

A high temperature fuel cell using natural gas or biogas for powering. The fuel cell itself is able to convert hydrogen in a process called internal reforming.

Sub Class Of holy:SubstituteFuelCell c

Substitute Product Component

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#SubstituteProductComponent
  • The subclass "Substitute Product Component" could be expanded to focus on substitute products of hydrogen products.

  • A part that, combined with other parts, makes a product which is a substitute to hydrogen products.

Sub Class Of holy:Product c

Battery Component

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#BatteryComponent
  • The subclass "Battery Component" can be expanded to focus on batteries as substitutes for hydrogen products.

  • A basic component for batteries.

Sub Class Of holy:SubstituteProductComponent c

Fossil Fuel Component

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#FossilFuelComponent
  • The subclass "Fossil Fuel Component" could be expanded to focus on the components of fossil fuel products classifying as substitutes for hydrogen products.

  • A basic component for products using fossil fuels.

Sub Class Of holy:SubstituteProductComponent c

Substitute Fuel Cell Component

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#SubstituteFuelCellComponent
  • The subclass "Substitute Fuel Cell Component" could be expanded to focus on substitute fuel cells.

  • A basic component for substitute fuel cells.

Sub Class Of holy:SubstituteProductComponent c

Project Classes


IRI http://schema.org/Project
  • A project can be defined as a piece of planned work consisting of interrelated activities which intends to fulfill a particular purpose within a certain period of time. A project can fulfill several purposes such as in the area of research (research projects), projects dedicated to product development, infrastructure-related projects and more.

  • An enterprise (potentially individual but typically collaborative), planned to achieve a particular aim.

Purpose-based Project

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#PurposeBasedProject

A project classification defined during implementation that specifies essential project attributes and purpose.

Sub Class Of schema1:Project c

Circular Economy Project

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#CircularEconomyProject

A project focusing on a circular system of reusing resources which were previously used for something.

Sub Class Of holy:PurposeBasedProject c

Infrastructure Project

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#InfrastructureProject

A project which is focused on the development, creation, maintenance, or enhancement of structures and systems needed for a country, city, or organization to function properly.

  • Paving the way for Zero Emission Inland Navigation
  • Power Edison Partnership
Sub Class Of holy:PurposeBasedProject c

Product Development Project

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#ProductDevelopmentProject

A project focused on the development of new products or the refinement of existing ones.

Sub Class Of holy:PurposeBasedProject c

Research Project

IRI http://schema.org/ResearchProject
  • The Schema.org defintion of Research Project is 'A Research Project'

  • A scientific investigation, usually using scientific methods, to achieve defined objectives.

Sub Class Of holy:PurposeBasedProject c

State-based Project

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#StateBasedProject

A project classification based on the level of progress of a project. It can be categorized according to the temporary stage such as planned, ongoing, or finished.

Sub Class Of schema1:Project c

Finished Project

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#FinishedProject

A project which has completed its intended purpose regardless of the level of success.

Sub Class Of holy:StateBasedProject c

Ongoing Project

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#OngoingProject

A currently-running project which has been started but is not marked as finished or completed.

Sub Class Of holy:StateBasedProject c

Planned Project

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#PlannedProject

A project which has not been realised or started but is expected to start in the future.

Sub Class Of holy:StateBasedProject c

Application Classes


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Application

The intended end use of a hydrogen-based product or of the result of a hydrogen-related project.

Sub Class Of owl:Thing c

Mobile Application

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#MobileApplication

An application related to the movement of people and/or goods.

Sub Class Of holy:Application c

Aviatic Application

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#AviaticApplication

An application related to the transport of people and/or goods by any form of aircraft or spacecraft.

Sub Class Of holy:MobileApplication c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Aircraft

A vehicle which can fly and carry goods or passengers. It has fixed wings and is powered by propellers or jets.

Sub Class Of holy:AviaticApplication c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Spacecraft

A vehicle designed for use and travel in space.

Sub Class Of holy:AviaticApplication c

Marine Application

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#MarineApplication

An application related to sea transport of people and/or goods.

Sub Class Of holy:MobileApplication c

Cargo Ship

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#CargoShip

Any kind of a ship or any other vessel that transports heavy goods and materials from one port to another.

  • Ceiba Ship
  • Voilier Ceiba
Sub Class Of holy:MarineApplication c

Cruise Ship

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#CruiseShip

A large ship like a hotel which people use for travel and pleasure.

Sub Class Of holy:MarineApplication c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Ferry

A boat or ship for taking passengers and often vehicles across an area of water, especially as a regular service.

Sub Class Of holy:MarineApplication c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Submarine

A ship that can travel underwater.

Sub Class Of holy:MarineApplication c

Road Application

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#RoadApplication

An application related to the transport of people and/or goods on land.

Ballard Powered Vehicle
Sub Class Of holy:MobileApplication c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Bike

A motorbike, motorcycle or scooter.

Honda Grazia Repsol Honda Team Edition
Sub Class Of holy:RoadApplication c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Bus

A large motorzed vehicle with seats for many people.

Xcelsior CHARGE
Sub Class Of holy:RoadApplication c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Car

A road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a small number of people.

  • Toyota Corolla
  • Toyota Mirai
  • Toyota Yaris
Sub Class Of holy:RoadApplication c

Material Handling Vehicle

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#MaterialHandlingVehicle

A vehicle which is intended to be used in a mobile context within the material handling process of organizations or private persons.

Sub Class Of holy:RoadApplication c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Train

A vehicle for roads made of railways using an engine and carriages to transport people and/or goods.

Sub Class Of holy:RoadApplication c

Cargo Train

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#CargoTrain

A train carrying mainly goods such as baggage, shipment or merchandise.

Sub Class Of holy:Train c

Passenger Train

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#PassengerTrain

A train carrying mostly people.

Sub Class Of holy:Train c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Truck
  • Trucks are categorized in this ontology by distance and not by categories such as size or transportation limit.

  • A large road vehicle that is used for transporting large amounts of goods.

Sub Class Of holy:RoadApplication c

Long Haul Truck

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#LongHaulTruck

A large road vehicle which is used for long-distance transporation over 250 miles.

Sub Class Of holy:Truck c

Pickup Truck

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#PickupTruck

A small vehicle with an open part at the back in which goods can be carried.

Sub Class Of holy:Truck c

Regional Truck

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#RegionalTruck

A road vehicle which is small to large-sized and used for the transportation of goods within an area of 150 miles.

Sub Class Of holy:Truck c

Stationary Application

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#StationaryApplication

An application which is intended to be placed at one location without the possibility of physically being moved when used.

Sub Class Of holy:Application c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Heating

An application which generates heat for contributing to the heating of buildings or for use in industrial processes.

Sub Class Of holy:StationaryApplication c

Industrial Heating

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#IndustrialHeating

An application used to generate heat for industry usage, such as manufacturing processes where great heat is required, or to heat large areas such as warehouses.

Sub Class Of holy:Heating c

Residential Heating

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#ResidentialHeating

An application used for heating a domestic house or residential area (multiple domestic houses).

Sub Class Of holy:Heating c

Industrial Processing

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#IndustrialProcessing

An application which is used for industrial processing. Industrial processing involves the manufacturing of semi-finished or high-quality end products by means of physical, mechanical and/or chemical processes.

Sub Class Of holy:StationaryApplication c

Chemical Industrial Processing

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#ChemicalIndustrialProcessing
  • Hydrogen is one of the key starting materials used in the chemical industry. It is a fundamental building block for the manufacturing of ammonia, fertilizers, and methanol, which is used in the manufacture of many polymers.

  • An application of hydrogen in the chemical industry creating chemical products for numerous sectors such as pharmaceutical, agricultural or consumer goods usage.

Sub Class Of holy:IndustrialProcessing c

Refinery Industrial Processing

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#RefineryIndustrialProcessing

An application of hydrogen in the refinery industry dedicated to process oil to create different types of oil and oil products.

Sub Class Of holy:IndustrialProcessing c

Steel Industrial Processing

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#SteelIndustrialProcessing

An application of hydrogen or hydrogen products in the steel industry with respect to the processing of iron ore into certain types of steel.

Sub Class Of holy:IndustrialProcessing c

Power Generation

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#PowerGeneration

An application which is used in the field of electricity production via power generating equipment or as fuel.

Sub Class Of holy:StationaryApplication c

GeographicMarket Classes

Geographic Market

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#GeographicMarket

An area of land which can be classified for business or trade concerning a particular product or domain.


IRI http://schema.org/Continent

One of the seven large land masses on the earth's surface, surrounded, or mainly surrounded, by sea and usually consisting of various countries.

Sub Class Of holy:GeographicMarket c
Restriction dbo:continent op only


IRI http://schema.org/Country

An area of land that has its own government, army, etc.

Sub Class Of holy:GeographicMarket c

Indicator Classes


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Indicator
  • Class defined to list certain market indicators of the hydrogen domain.

  • Something, often a quanititative measure, which shows what a situation is like or how it is changing.

Entry Barrier

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#EntryBarrier

An obstacle individuals face when participating in a particular market.

Sub Class Of holy:Indicator c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Investment

The amount of money invested by an entity for something like a project, product or application.

Sub Class Of holy:Indicator c

Market Share

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#MarketShare

The total number of buyers a company has for a certain product or in a certain segment compared to the total market size.

Sub Class Of holy:Indicator c

Market Size

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#MarketSize

The total number of potential buyers of a product or service within a given market and the total revenue that these sales may generate.

Sub Class Of holy:Indicator c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Patent

The total number of patents attributed to a class individual.

Sub Class Of holy:Indicator c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Revenue

The amount of money generated within a certain class in a certain period of time.

Sub Class Of holy:Indicator c


IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#Trend

A general development or change of a situation in terms of behavior which can manifest itself in being discussed in forums, conferences or expos.

  • Hydrogen Impact 2021 Conference
  • Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe
  • Hydrogen Transition Summit
  • POWERGEN International
  • The Automotive & Tire Industry Forum
  • The COP 26 Climate Summit
  • The China International Import Expo
  • The LA Auto Show
  • The World Climate Conference
  • United Nations Conference on Climate Change
Sub Class Of holy:Indicator c

Work Force

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#WorkForce

The number of persons working for an organization.

Sub Class Of holy:Indicator c


Object Properties

continent op

IRI http://dbpedia.org/ontology/continent

Links a country to the continent it belongs to.

Domain schema1:Country c
Range schema1:Continent c

country op

IRI http://dbpedia.org/ontology/country

Links a continent to a country.

Domain holy:GeographicMarket c
Range schema1:Country c

Has Part op

IRI http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasPart
  • This property is intended to be used with non-literal values. This property is an inverse property of Is Part Of.

  • A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource.

Domain holy:HydrogenProduct c
Range holy:HydrogenProductComponent c

Is Part Of op

IRI http://purl.org/dc/terms/isPartOf
  • This property is intended to be used with non-literal values. This property is an inverse property of Has Part.

  • A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included.

Domain holy:HydrogenProductComponent c
Range holy:HydrogenProduct c

application sold in op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#applicationSoldIn

Defines in which geographic market an application is sold or available for use.

Domain holy:Application c
Range holy:GeographicMarket c

has Application op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#hasApplication

Relates to the geographic location of applications in the market.

Domain holy:GeographicMarket c
Range holy:Application c

has Indicator op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#hasIndicator
  • In the hydrogen ontology, all major classes (organization, project, application, geographical market and product) are linked to the class indicator.

  • Refers to indicators which are related to a certain class.

Domain holy:GeographicMarket c or holy:Product c or org:Organization c or holy:Application c or schema1:Project c
Range holy:Indicator c

has Organization op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#hasOrganization

Indicates a direkt link from a geographic location to an organization. It shows where a organization is located.

Domain holy:GeographicMarket c
Range org:Organization c

has Product op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#hasProduct

Indicates a direkt link from a geographic location to a product. It shows where a product is located.

Domain holy:GeographicMarket c
Range holy:Product c

has Project op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#hasProject

Relates to the geographic location of projects in the market.

Domain holy:GeographicMarket c
Range schema1:Project c

is produced by op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#isProducedBy
  • The inverse of holy:producesProduct

  • Indicates which products are manufactured by a given organization.

Domain holy:Product c
Range org:Organization c

is provided by op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#isProvidedBy
  • The inverse of holy:providesApplication

  • Indicates which applications are related to an organization in terms of manufacturing, operating, licensing, leasing...

Domain holy:Application c
Range org:Organization c

is used in op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#isUsedIn
  • Inverse of holy:usesProduct and holy:usesTechnology

  • Defines for which purpose a product is used in.

Sub Property Of owl:topObjectProperty op
Domain holy:Product c
Range holy:Application c

participates in op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#participatesIn

Defines that an organization participates with presence in a certain geographic market.

Domain org:Organization c
Range holy:GeographicMarket c

produces Product op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#producesProduct

Indicates which organization manufactures a given product.

Domain org:Organization c
Range holy:Product c

product sold in op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#productSoldIn
  • The inverse of holy:hasProduct

  • Defines in which geographic market a product is sold or available for use.

Domain holy:Product c
Range holy:GeographicMarket c

provides Application op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#providesApplication
  • The inverse of holy:isProvidedBy

  • Indicates which organizations are directly providing applications (the end-usage) to the market either by manufacturing the application or operating, licensing, leasing... it.

Domain org:Organization c
Range holy:Application c

relates to Application op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#relatesToApplication

Defines that a certain project is in terms of outcome related to an application.

Domain schema1:Project c
Range holy:Application c

relates to Product op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#relatesToProduct

Defines that a certain project is in terms of its outcome related to a product.

Domain schema1:Project c
Range holy:Product c

uses Product op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#usesProduct
  • Inverse of holy:isUsedIn - Disjoint with holy:usesTechnology

  • Defines the product used in a particular application

Sub Property Of holy:usesSource op
Domain holy:Application c
Range holy:Product c

uses Source op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#usesSource

Main Property for holy:usesProduct and holy:usesTechnology.

Super Property Of
Domain holy:Application c
Range holy:Product c

uses Technology op

IRI http://purl.org/holy/ns#usesTechnology
  • Inverse of holy:isUsedIn - Disjoint with holy:usesApplication

  • Defines the technology used in a particular application.

Sub Property Of holy:usesSource op
Domain holy:Application c
Range holy:Product c

associated to project op

IRI http://w3id.org/nfdi4ing/metadata4ing#inProject
  • An object property comming from the Metadata4Ing ontology for describing the generation of research data, projects and scientific projects. The ontology was released recently on the 22.02.2022 and could be useful for future expansion of the hydrogen ontology.

  • The inverse of m4i:projectParticipant

  • A property that connects a person or an organization with a project.

Sub Property Of owl:topObjectProperty op
Domain org:Organization c
Range schema1:Project c

project participant op

IRI http://w3id.org/nfdi4ing/metadata4ing#projectParticipant
  • An object property comming from the Metadata4Ing ontology for describing the generation of research data, projects and scientific projects. The ontology was released recently on the 22.02.2022 and could be useful for future expansion of the hydrogen ontology.

  • The inverse of m4i:associatesToProject

  • A property that connects a project with a person or an organisation.

Domain schema1:Project c
Range org:Organization c

classification op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/org#classification
  • Main property of rov:orgActivity

  • Indicates a classification for this Organization within some classification scheme.

Sub Property Of owl:topObjectProperty op
Super Property Of rov:orgActivity op
Domain org:Organization c
Range skos:Concept c

primary Site op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/org#hasPrimarySite

Indicates a primary site for the Organization, this is the default means by which an Organization can be contacted and is not necessarily the formal headquarters.

Sub Property Of org:hasSite op
Domain org:Organization c
Range holy:GeographicMarket c

has site op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/org#hasSite

Indicates a site at which the Organization has some presence even if only indirect (e.g. virtual office or a professional service which is acting as the registered address for a company).

Super Property Of org:hasPrimarySite op
Domain org:Organization c
Range holy:GeographicMarket c

has SubOrganization op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/org#hasSubOrganization

Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or OrganizationalUnits; indicates an organization which is a sub-part or child of this organization.

Domain org:Organization c
Range org:Organization c

linked to op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/org#linkedTo
  • In the current stage of the Hydrogen Domain Ontology it is used to indicate mainly business relationships outside of the project scope.

  • Indicates an arbitrary relationship between two organizations.

Domain org:Organization c
Range org:Organization c

site of op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/org#siteOf

Indicates an Organization which has some presence at the given site. This is the inverse of org:hasSite.

Sub Property Of owl:topObjectProperty op
Domain holy:GeographicMarket c
Range org:Organization c

sub-Organization of op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/org#subOrganizationOf

Represents hierarchical containment of Organizations or OrganizationalUnits; indicates an Organization which contains this Organization.

Sub Property Of owl:topObjectProperty op
Domain org:Organization c
Range org:Organization c

company activity op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/regorg#orgActivity
  • Relates to the economic activity of an organization based on international classification standards such as NACE (EU) ISIC4 (US) or the UK SIC codes.

  • The activity of an organization should be recorded using a controlled vocabulary. Several such vocabularies exist, many of which map to the UN's ISIC codes [ ISIC4 ]. Where a particular controlled vocabulary is in use within a given context, such as SIC codes in the UK, it is acceptable to use these, however, the preferred choice for European interoperability is NACE [ NACE ]. As with company type and status, activity codes should be expressed as SKOS Concept Schemes.

Sub Property Of org:classification op
Domain rov:RegisteredOrganization c
Range skos:Concept c

company status op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/regorg#orgStatus
  • rov:orgStatus provides a first attempt -used in the Registered Organization Vocabulary- to identify the status of an organization.

  • Extracting the status of an organization presents the same issues as its type. The terms 'insolvent', 'bankrupt' and 'in receivership,' for example, are likely to mean slightly different things with different legal implications in different jurisdictions.

    Taking advice from XBRL Europe as a starting point, however, the term 'Normal Activity' does appear to have cross-border usefulness and this should be used in preference to terms like 'trading' or 'operating.'

    Best Practice for recording various other status levels is to use the relevant jurisdiction's terms and to encode these in a SKOS Concept Scheme.

Domain org:Organization c
Range skos:Concept c

company type op

IRI http://www.w3.org/ns/regorg#orgType

This property records the type of company. Familiar types are SA, PLC, LLC, GmbH etc. At the time of publication, there is no agreed set of company types that crosses borders. The term 'SA' is used in Poland and France for example although they mean slightly different things. The UK's LLP and Greece's EPE provide further example of close, but not exact, matches.

That said, each jurisdiction will have a limited set of recognized company types and these should be expressed in a consistent manner in a SKOS Concept Scheme.

Domain org:Organization c
Range skos:Concept c

Datatype Properties

is publicly traded dp

IRI http://data.businessgraph.io/ontology#isPubliclyTraded

Whether a company is publicly traded (listed at a stock exchange).

Domain rov:RegisteredOrganization c
Range xsd:boolean

is startup dp

IRI http://data.businessgraph.io/ontology#isStartup

Whether a company is a startup.

Domain rov:RegisteredOrganization c
Range xsd:boolean

is state owned dp

IRI http://data.businessgraph.io/ontology#isStateOwned

Whether a company is owned by the government, a government agency, municipality, city or other public entity.

Domain rov:RegisteredOrganization c
Range xsd:boolean

project end date dp

IRI http://dbpedia.org/ontology/projectEndDate

The end date of the project.

Domain schema1:Project c
Range xsd:date

project Keyword dp

IRI http://dbpedia.org/ontology/projectKeyword

A key word of the project.

Domain schema1:Project c
Range xsd:string

project start date dp

IRI http://dbpedia.org/ontology/projectStartDate

The start date of the project.

Domain schema1:Project c
Range xsd:date

project end date dp

IRI http://w3id.org/nfdi4ing/metadata4ing#endOfProject

end date of a project

Domain schema1:Project c
Range xsd:date

project start date dp

IRI http://w3id.org/nfdi4ing/metadata4ing#startOfProject

start date of a project

Domain schema1:Project c
Range xsd:date


The authors would like to thank Silvio Peroni for developing LODE, a Live OWL Documentation Environment, which is used for representing the Ontology Reference Section of this document.



DCMI Usage Board. DCMI Metadata Terms. 20 January 2020. DCMI Recommendation. URL: https://dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/2020-01-20/


Vladimir Alexiev (2019). The euBusinessGraph Semantic Data Model. 26 November 2019. URL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dhMOTlIOC6dOK_jksJRX0CB-GIRoiYY6fWtCnZArUhU/edit#


Metadata4Ing Workgroup (2022). Metadata4Ing: An ontology for describing the generation of research data within a scientific activity. https://nfdi4ing.pages.rwth-aachen.de/metadata4ing/metadata4ing/provenance/provenance-en.html


Christopher Welty; Deborah McGuinness. OWL Web Ontology Language Guide. 10 February 2004. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/owl-guide/


Dan Brickley; Ramanathan Guha. RDF Schema 1.1 . 25 February 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-schema/


Eric Prud'hommeaux; Andy Seaborne. SPARQL Query Language for RDF . 15 January 2008. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/


W3C Schema.org Community Group. Schema.org. 6.0. URL: https://schema.org/


Alistair Miles; Sean Bechhofer. SKOS Simple Knowledge Organization System Reference. 18 August 2009. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/skos-reference/


Dave Reynolds. The Organization Ontology. 16 January 2014. W3C Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-org/


Phil Archer; Marios Meimaris; Agis Papantoniou. Registered Organization Vocabulary . 1 August 2013. W3C Note. URL:https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-regorg/


Mary Holstege; Asir Vedamuthu. W3C XML Schema Definition Language (XSD): Component Designators. 19 January 2010. W3C Candidate Recommendation. URL: https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-ref/

Table of Contents